Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Master of Disguise?

Woo saw my schedule today and I'm finally getting a slight break from work. I'll finally be able to work on my site and those RPGs some more. I have been sleeping way too much lately. This is probably the earliest/latest I've posted due to such lol. Doesn't help now that my new TV service has an anime channel I've been getting distracted by that and falling asleep again. Ah lazyness...perfect balance to being overworked.

In other news I've been looking into cosplay for Anime Expo as it isn't too far off now. I'm really undecided at the moment. Mainly because I generally like to cosplay with a group and I'm uncertain which members of my group are making it this year. Couple years back we all collectively did Resident Evil which was fun. I cosplayed Chris Redfield (RE5 version) my British friend did HUNK and I had a few others do various zombies including the Bella sisters. The cosplay for Chris and HUNK was expensive though lol. We went completely authentic from head to toe. I pretty much gathered as many pictures as I could of them and figured out what the real world equivalent of their costume was and tracked down and got them. I had gotten items from army surplus stores, ebay, various online stores, you name it. The cosplay was badass. Once I find my pictures ill be sure to post them here.

RE we might do again this year simply because we have the costumes and they're too badass (and pricey) to not do again. I'm also considering cosplaying Akihiko from Persona 3 FES. I did that cosplay one year and the ladies seemed to like it so that's reason enough for me to give it another go. The only other cosplay I am considering right now is BlazBlue but I'm somewhat worried its being way too heavily done right now. I don't know. I'll probably post updates on it shortly as its...something to talk about lol.


  1. Yeah find the pictures, I want to see! I've never done anything like that.

  2. resident evil group cosplay is surely amazing, search the pics ;)

  3. anime channel? I need one of those.

  4. An anime channel sounds pretty sweet, I didn't know they existed.

    I don't know anything about the cosplay scene or what's being overdone at the moment, but a Blazblue cosplay sounds like it'd be cool.

  5. i dont believe in sleeping too much, have fun with the cosplay thing

  6. It seems like you really want to do the RE cosplay more so I guess go with that.

    >Once I find my pictures ill be sure to post them here.

    Please do.

  7. Looks like you had fun with cosplay.
